Covid-19 Safety Procedures
General Policies
Class Arrival/Departure
- UV Ionic Air Purifier System. The studio has installed a UV ionizer air purifier in all the studios that kills viruses and bacteria.
- Masks. Masks are optional.
- Lobby. The lobby will be open but limited to 1 parent per student.
- Office. The office and Sparkle Boutique will operate under its currently posted hours.
Class Arrival/Departure
- Because of the unique design of our facility with multiple exterior doors, students can enter and exit more directly to and from their classrooms.
- Arrival. A staff member will come to the designated entrance door right before class time to escort students into the building; please wait in your car until then.
- Departure. Students will exit the same door they entered (unless they have multiple classes, then they would exit out the door of the room of their last class).
- If your dancer is sick at all, keep them home until they are well.
- If your dancer has come into direct contact with someone that has tested positive for Covid, keep them home for a minimum of 5 days from their last day of contact.
- If your dancer has tested positive for Covid, keep them home for 10 days from their positive test or they may return sooner with a negative test result after 5 days.